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Configuring storage node access method with HDFS


Norbert Novotny:
Hi guys, there seems to be very little information about the new feature added in using HDFS or Swift as storage access menthod instead of TSM.
Does any one know where to find more information / docu about how to setup CMOD with HDFS ? ... Or anyone can reply with a few bullet points about the process?

Thank you,

Justin Derrick:
Honestly, I remember seeing the announcement, but I'm not sure if the documentation has been updated, or if a guide has been produced.  The only document that was released was the announcement itself, pointing you to the Apache Hadoop Project.  I suspect that they anticipate that whomever will use it will already be familiar with HDFS, but that's not necessarily a fair assumption.

You may want to open a ticket with IBM, and request documentation on setting up CMOD to be used with Hadoop.  I'll see if I can find someone to do a tutorial.


I know I'm very late to the party on this one but perhaps this doc helps?



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