Author Topic: Specifying the codepage (or charset) of the command line arguments of arsdoc  (Read 1915 times)

Valentin Schmid

  • Guest
Is there a way to specify the codepage (or charset) of the command line arguments of arsdoc?

arsdoc  update -h myHost -u myUser -p myUser.stash -g myAG -f myFolder -v -i "where myDocid=12345678" -n myDescription='updated déscriptìón cöntäining spécial chärs'

In my environment, this only works correct, if the text in myDescription is in latin1.
Is there a way to say, that the value-string of myDescription is UTF-8 (codepage 1209)?


Maciej Mieczakowski

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I assume your DB has 1209 codepage. What is the locale /charset for your OS? I guess that your command line locale settings might have an impact here.
I can show you how to do this on AIX:

1. simply check you locale setting:

#locale -a

2. Check if your desired UTF locale is already installed, the list for locale you can find here:

3. If desired UTF locale is missing (with capital letters are those for UTF) please add it

->System Environments->Manage Language Environment->Add Additional Language Environments

4. Now change locale in fly in console by setting LANG for environment and for LC_ALL=PL_PL.

You can read more about this here:

"If your system does not support double-byte character sets, you see garbage characters or small block-like characters when you display operating-system specific man pages.

Set the environment variables LC_ALL and LANG to the desired locale in which you want to run the commands by using the export command. For example, run export  - for instance export LC_ALL=PL_PL and export LANG=PL_PL. "

Now your command should succeed, if you choosed correct locale. 8)