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CMOD 10.1 ODWEK compatibility

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--- Quote from: Justin Derrick on November 27, 2018, 04:05:22 AM --- migrate away from solutions like ICI and Xenos and replace them with Free/Open Source Software solutions instead.


--- End quote ---

Hey Justin, can you PM me these Open Source Solutions. I am curious.


Justin Derrick:
I'm not on that team, but they're doing stuff like packaging (.zip) / reformatting (TIFF -> PNG for web presentment) / and I think they're working with some Java PDF libraries to bundle multiple PDFs into a single PDF so customers can download all their statements (by year, by search, etc.) as a single file. 

They're doing the federation piece themselves, but making it a little smarter by having lookup tables, so they have a better idea of where to search for particular documents.  The single biggest issue they were facing with ICI/Xenos was that every query was turning into dozens of queries on hundreds of millions of rows in each repository...  And they wondered why they had trouble keeping the systems up during tax season...  ;)


Alessandro Perucchi:
Well to add some insight on ODWEK and CMOD Server.

What Norbert is talking about is only 1-2 method in the WHOLE ODWEK Java APIs, the xmlparse() method.
And yes, this one needs to be ODWEK Version = CMOD Version

Maybe the new API to archive documents in CMOD (which appeared in V9.5) ODServer.*load*(), then maybe, you need like the same version of the APIs

But for the "client" part of the ODWEK Java API, which is basically the 99% of the APIs, the advice is ODWEK Version >= CMOD Server.
I had never any problems with any of my past customers... It was mainly, searching, retrieving. That's it. And if that's the case, then you should not have any problems.
The only problem, which is NOT a real problem is when you want to use old ODWEK with a new server, then the new functionality are not available.
But that's exactly the same as the Windows Client. If it is older than the server version, you can still access it, but not all functionality will be available.

And depending on your setup, and migration path, it might be a must to have for a few days/weeks/month (I hope not years), that ODWEK Version < CMOD Server Version OR ODWEK Version > CMOD Server Version.
The advice I had from the IBM Labs (ODWEK main developer) was to always use the latest ODWEK Java API to develop and reach the CMOD Server even if the version was 1 main version difference.
That advice was several years ago, before V10.1.
Maybe today with the integration with some of the functionality of the server part, then it might not all be always true for all part of the API (like save documents or xml work).


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