Author Topic: ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE and ARS_CODEPAGE attribute in cfg  (Read 1428 times)


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« on: June 07, 2019, 09:11:00 AM »
We are in the process of Migration from 8.5 to 9.5 (in SOlaris platform)
Our "8.5.cfg" file has the ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE=923

I see in "9.*.cfg" file we can also have few more attirbutes to be set for Oracle as follows
ARS_CODEPAGE=??( can I  set to 1208 or it should same as ORIGINAL _CODEPAGE is 923?)
ARS_CODESET=?? (Can I set to "UTF-8", or what value is recommended)
ARS_LOCALE=?? (can I set to "en_US", or what value is recommended)
ARS_USE_LOCALE= ?? (can I set to "1", or what value is recommended)

Also attached in the txt file my DB NLS parameter which has anything to set this above attributes?

P.s : This topic relevant to the post from Alexsandro : "Topic: ARS_ORIGINAL_CODEPAGE"  , which worries if I set a wrong codepage my DB with old data will be scrambled after migration from 8.5 to 9.5?.

Please help and advice

thanks & regards