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CMOD v9.5 & DB2


I have searched for the answer and must be blind...
Will CMOD v9.5 work with DB2 v11.1 fixpack 2?

Justin Derrick:
CMOD v9.5 goes out of support in less than 60 days. 

Generally speaking, CMOD supports any version of DB2 that meets the *minimum* requirements...  So if the minimum is DB2 v9.7, then all higher versions are supported.

It's really worthwhile to get on to v10.1 -- there are a lot of great features.


We are working on getting to CMOD 9.5 in order to utilize the RDF to ODF utility. As well as moving from from AIX to RHEL. The DB2 question came up in a discussion about multi-step upgrades of DB2(10.1-to-10.5-to-11.1). Trying to minimize work... like DB2 10.1 straight to 11.1.

Thank You for your reply.

Justin Derrick:
You can go from whichever database migration DB2 will support.  Most database upgrades are "x-2" which means you can upgrade a two versions back, so you should be good to get from v10.1 to v11.1.  Of course, read the documentation, and test test test.  :D

Good luck.



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