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CMOD & ICN best practice?


Looking for others to state what we believe is the obvious...

What are the PRO's & CON's of running the Content Nav on the same image as CMOD?

Thank You, for sharing...

Justin Derrick:
There's too many variables here...  Platform, size, variability in activity... 

Maybe you could share more info about your situation?  What your existing system looks like, what your proposed system looks like, and what your goals are? 

You need to help us so we can help you!  :D


We have a single system, with the Library & Object servers on the same Linux image. The DB2 database is there as well. Getting ready to install ICN to work with CMOD for the first time. A 3rd party consultant is stating that the "Best practice" would be to install ICN on a different machine. Trying to make an informed choice... Looking for things that we may not have thought of.

Justin Derrick:
As a consultant...  Listen your consultant.  :D 

You haven't given us enough information to comment on your proposed config.  Generally speaking, separating the ICN server is a good idea.



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