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ODWek REST - Search with SQL - Segment start and stop date

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Andreas Baaserud Hauge:

In the documentation chapter 3.5.2. Search with SQL it says

--- Quote ---When using search with SQL, it is imperative you include a segment start and stop date when available. The format of the start/stop dates is %Y-%m-%d. Failure to include a segment feild will result in a search across all application group data tables severly impacting system performance.
--- End quote ---
My question is, how do I know what segment start and stop date to use?

--- Quote ---Failure to include a segment feild will result in a search across all application group data tables severly impacting system performance.
--- End quote ---
Hence that quote, it seems like I should be able to know what segment start and stop date I can use for a query.

In this sample request, the startdate and stopdate spans over 27 years. 27 years of records seems a bit odd to search through if the point of segment startdate and stopdate is to narrow the search down to increase performance.

--- Code: ---POST /cmod-rest/v1/hits/ HTTP/1.1
usi-date: 2020-02-25T00:31:30Z
Authorization: CMODSharedKey externpool1-P0mFoCU5H83lN9uQcRUA:5au9U9epefygVH22mKfR8yGkS+XiA0D8CDmcOvZrt58=
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
Host: localhost
Content-Length: 191

  "startdate" : "1993-01-01",
  "stopdate" : "2020-02-11",
  "query" : "where name like 'VILL%'",
  "folder" : "Baxter Bay CC Statements",
  "applicationgroup" : "Baxter Bay Credit"
--- End code ---


This is a bad example. Will update the docs to make this more meaningful.

Thank you,

Andreas Baaserud Hauge:
Thanks Russel,

Do you mind also explain how we can use the segment startdate and stopdate?
I dont get how I should get that value to make the search more efficient.

Why do you need to search with SQL?

Andreas Baaserud Hauge:
Good question, is it more efficient to not use the Search with SQL and rather use /cmod-rest/v1/hits/<folder> ?

Cant see we specify segment startdate and stopdate in /cmod-rest/v1/hits/<folder> search.
in the background maybe the segment startdate and stopdate are used ? do you know what those values would typically be?


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