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This is for implementations that use the Thick Client for users to retrieve documents.
I have finally gotten ARSLSYNC working in my sandbox enviroment. YAY Me!
I'm not really thrilled with what I'm seeing.
We are using sAMAccountName for the BIND and MAPPED attributes for LDAP which track back to how we identify employees and contractors in my company.
For the SYNC we're setting USER_FILTER to objectClass=user memberOf... and for GROUP_FILTER = objectClass=group cn=CMOD*dev (yes I'm skipping typing in the full text, just go with me.)
When I run the SYNC I only get the value for the User ID but not the Name or Descriptions that we use when manually loading a user to CMOD. IBM Lab Services says that's all we get and I'm not thrilled. I like to see names and departments that go with the user ID.
Does anyone else care? Has anyone else be able to solve this? Lab Services suggested I request an enhancement to ARSLSYNC.
Because of this we're delaying our ARSLSYNC provisioning until next year.

Justin Derrick:
What's the advantage to mirroring this data locally?  The System Log only records the User IDs anyway.  If you want to look up who a user is, copy & paste the User ID into your LDAP Client / Org Chart / Teams / eMail client, and you should get the information you're looking for.

I agree about the Enhancement Request, but spend the time to think through how it would be implemented and what features you (and other CMOD customers) might want.



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