Author Topic: CMOD 2.1 IODLDFLT system values  (Read 2349 times)


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CMOD 2.1 IODLDFLT system values
« on: February 26, 2010, 02:20:09 PM »
We are not quite off of our CMOD 2.1 system, and are having poor performance issues.  We are getting a large number of external users connecting, and performance just goes in the tank.

Can anyone provide insight on the record two values, at positions 10-13 and 15-18.  All I know is they are server timeouts. Nothing more, no description, and no units, no effect of changes.

Also in record one, bytes 40-43, are a queue check time interval in seconds.  With more users, should this be raised so that the queue is checked less often ?  I wonder if we are getting thrashing, such that nothing is happening as the system slows, except checking its queues.

Thank You,

Larry Wagner