General > Announcements & News



Justin Derrick:
Hello ODUG Members & CMOD Users!

I'm pleased to announce that in co-operation with IBM, ODUG will have a presence at the IBM Information OnDemand EMEA Conference in Rome, Italy, from May 16th to 19th, 2010:

*SEVEN* CMOD-specific sessions have been selected out of the thousand or so that were submitted.  In addition, there will be a "Community Cafe" in the expo for User Group members to meet, and discuss topics that are important to you and your organization.

The CMOD-related sessions are:
2785 : Hottest newest Storage Appliance: IBM Information Archive
3420 : What is New for IBM ECM Customers
3443 : IBM Content Manager OnDemand Update
3717 : Best Practices for Content Manager OnDemand Administrators
3749 : Migrating Data to or from Content Manager OnDemand
3684 : Archive large scale XML data: The SEPA case
3255 : Getting Added Value From Your Digital Archive  -=> LATE ADDITION! <=-

Want to see what else IOD EMEA has to offer?
Search for Sessions by keyword or track:

Already registered?  The Session Selection tool is online!
The IOD online Agenda tool is online!  Go online and select your courses now:

Marketing Blitz!
Please help get the word out about IOD EMEA 2010 by distributing the link to this post to anyone you know with interest in CMOD -- Management, Executives, IBM Sales Reps, Support, or Client Reps:

Discount Code for ODUG Members now available!  Save 10% on IOD EMEA Registration!
If you're already a member, send me a message, and I'll forward you the code.
Not a member yet?  Sign up for the ODUG Forums, and I'll send you the discount code within 24 hours!

I look forward to seeing you in Rome!



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