General > Announcements & News

Should we create a LinkedIn Group?

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Justin Derrick:
We're considering creating and maintaining a LinkedIn Group, which may be more convenient for some users.  What do you think?

Alessandro Perucchi:
Hello Justin,

What does it means? That the forum will disappear and be replaced by the LinkedIn group?
Or simply it will be in complement to this forum?

Sincerely yours,

Justin Derrick:
It will likely just be in addition to the forums.  The Forums here will always be the official ones -- but some members may find using the LinkedIn system more convenient.

Justin Derrick:
The ODUG Group on LinkedIn has been made available to the public -- however, this will remain the official ODUG Forum.

The LinkedIn Group can be found here:


Please keep this forum open as I am not allowed to access Linkedin from office newtwork.


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