General > Announcements & News

Odug Board Officer appointments


I wanted to take a quick few seconds to announce who your Board members and Officers are for 2012.

Tim Fraser, Michael Prouse, and Benny Ormson are board members, along with the following Board/Officers.

Lorelei Puthoff is Secretary. She is in charge or recording our meetings, action items, and general note-taking

Justin Derrick is now Vice President. He will preside over the board when the president is absent.

And Geoff Wilde (me) is your new President. I will be a primary point of contact for board members, IBM, and the user community at large. I have no power without the users and the support of the Board.

Thank you for your support of the Board member, me, and the OnDemand User group. We look to continue providing input into the product development, as much as IBM lets us, and to provide a meaningful user community to share ideas, challenges, and solutions.

Let me also thank Benny for his years of service as President. Benny will continue on the Board, and I'm glad to have his experience and knowledge still with our group.


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