Author Topic: PDF Indexer short field/blank field detection  (Read 1992 times)


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PDF Indexer short field/blank field detection
« on: February 05, 2013, 03:08:21 PM »
We recently loaded some test bills for which I had a new app and appgroup, from a converted customer database.
Some of the long name records had the last word extracted and placed on the first address line, bumping the address down.

The PDF Indexer reported an error of a  blank field when in fact there was data in the field.  The Address filee was defined as 60 characters, and the missing data error occurred with less than 9 characters, or under 15% of field length. Can this perentage be set somewhere in the system ? Might this be a feature ?  If not, I will put in a PMR for the problem of a blank field that is not blank, having from 4 to 7 characters.

It turns out to have been helpful, since half the files loaded were rejected, in just a small sample, and we have an as yet unknown number of these incorrectly modified customer records, out of almost 2 million.

Laurence Wagner
City Of Los Angeles