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Messages - jo19021

Pages: [1]
MP Server / TSM question
« on: April 14, 2011, 09:53:28 AM »
Anyone know where I can get a copy of TSM 5.1 for AIX?  IBM no longer supports, so they have not been able to produce a copy.  We have a server that we are decommissioning that has tsm 5.1 and we are planning on upgrading that server all the way up to 5.5, but all of the warnings tell us to have the old version on hand to re-install in case something goes wrong. 

MP Server / Re: TSM question
« on: March 16, 2011, 10:09:45 AM »
Thanks.  May I ask why you recommend 5.3? 

MP Server / TSM question
« on: March 15, 2011, 07:21:25 AM »
We recently migrated an ondemand instance from one server to a newer server.  However, because there was data on disk platters on the old server, that data was not moved immediately, as there was pressure to get off of the old server.  So, we set the TSM on the new server to point to the old server TSM until we had time to convert the data from the platters.  I have recently converted the data (using TSM) from the disk platters to temporary cache on the old server.  The old server is TSM v5.1 and the new server is version 5.5. 
Would it be best to a) upgrade the old server to 5.5 and then migrate
                           b) install 5.1 on new server, migrate and then upgrade

Also, any suggestion on the best way to move this data using TSM would be most appreciated.

MP Server / Re: OD client question
« on: February 15, 2011, 09:05:45 AM »
I agree that we probably need to upgrade the client.  Our suspicion is that it is somehow hanging in the print queue.  The situation was that one rep brought up and printed 7 docs of acctA on 2/2, and a completely different rep at another site attempted to send a fax of 12 stmts from acctB on 12/14, and the system sent the original 7.  Again, it does not sound like OD here, but I just wanted to know if there was some sort of queue.  Do you know how often OD cleans up the temporary queue?

Thanks for your help. 

MP Server / OD client question
« on: February 14, 2011, 01:37:18 PM »
Got a question regarding the OD client.  When a person pulls up documents and subsequently prints them or faxes them, does OD keep those docs in some sort of queue?  If so, where does this reside, and how often it is cleaned up?  My potential issue is that faxes are being sent out with the wrong batch of documents. 
I understand when they are sent to a printer or fax they are in a print queue, but that is not the queue I am interested in. 

Other / Re: Sending System Log Information to a file
« on: February 04, 2011, 10:44:31 AM »
That worked great.  Does ondemand allow for delimiting the output of a query?

MP Server / Re: Checking for an empty file.
« on: January 19, 2011, 12:58:45 PM »
Thanks for your help.  I am a mainframer, so i am just dipping into the pool of unix.  This particular server runs OD, but i did not want to sign on daily to see if the loads worked or not.  If you have a better way, I would be curious as to how you do it. 

MP Server / Checking for an empty file.
« on: January 19, 2011, 09:05:30 AM »
I have the following script running to look for '88' (load failures) and if the file is created, it should send an email to notify the team of a failure.  I created a public query called loadcheck in OD that looks for 88's and time is between t-1 and t. 

#! /usr/bin/ksh
yy=`date +%Y`
jd=`date +%j`
arsdoc query -h ARCHIVE -u admin -p ondemand -f "System Log" -o ${pre}loadcheck.txt -q loadcheck

if [ `ls -l /home/ccsuser/${pre}loadcheck.txt | awk '{print$5}' ` -eq 0 ]
     mail -s "All Loads ran fine" <email address>  < /dev/null
         /opt/SAscripts/bin/uuencode /home/ccsuser/${pre}loadcheck.txt ${pre}loadcheck.txt | mailx -s "A load job failed on PG & Oil Prod" <email address>

Note- I removed the email addresses and replaced with <email address>

If there are no matches (no failures), the file is not created, and I get the following message -
/home/ccsuser/2011019loadcheck.txt not found
./[8]: test: argument expected
uuencode: cannot read /home/ccsuser/2011019loadcheck.txt
Null message body; hope that's ok

I am getting the load job failed portion of the "if" statement in email.  Is there another test I can do that will work for this script? 

z/OS Server / Re: Creating "Stacked" PDF out of Exstream
« on: January 11, 2011, 04:34:39 PM »
Not sure if this thread is still open or not.  We load AFP to OD so I will give you the procedure for that and it may work.  I know this is an OD blog, so please forgive me as I speak "exstream". 
First - you will have to create x-number of variables in exstream application equal to the index values of your ondemand folder(ex. acctnum, stmtdate, etc).  Next, add x search keys to your exstream environment section, pointing them to your x variables.  Now add the x new search keys to your application and be sure to set the placement as "before each customer".   This should add your index information to your PDF file.  You will then have to change your Ondemand application "Indexer Information" tab to look for your variable names at the locations they appear in the output file.  Hope that helps. 

z/OS Server / cTest for Ondemand
« on: January 11, 2011, 03:43:06 PM »
We are looking at installing cTest to analyze our Z/OS Ondemand performance.  Any comments on how it works and any pitfalls? 

Other / Re: Sending System Log Information to a file
« on: December 14, 2010, 11:58:00 AM »
This is the query I have so far that is not working.

arsdoc query -h ARCHIVE -u admin -p ondemand -f "System Log" -o jaybosyslog.txt -i "WHERE (msg_num BETWEEN 34 and 64)? ?S ?12/13/10,12/13/10,%x?

Other / Re: Sending System Log Information to a file
« on: December 14, 2010, 11:44:32 AM »
That works.  Now, how can I create a query against the system log to run every day, and use the current system date to query the past 24 hours of activity.  The -S does not seem to work and I am getting the last 3 months worth. 

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