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Topics - marktaylor

Pages: [1]
iSeries / Copy optical disk data back to iSeries disks
« on: April 06, 2015, 12:20:48 PM »
Like Rav ( see: ) we are using optical to store our CSOD images.

Again, Like Rav, we need to move all Optical images back to disk.

Our 'Original' Migration Policy was:

Level 10 - Disk - 60 Days
Level 20 -  Optical - 99999 Days - 'Optical Forever'

Our 'Modified' Migration Policy, to allow us to start bringing documents back is:

Level 10 - Disk - 181 Days
Level 20 -  Optical - 999998 Days
Level 30 - Disk - 999999 Days

So - we have a couple questions.

First - we really don't want to send any more documents to Optical - what's the best way to prevent migration to optical moving forward?

Secondly - once we move everything back to disk - can we remove Level 20 and 30 from the policy? (Or we we remove 10 and 20?) .


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