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Messages - Greg Ira

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Report Indexing / Re: Troubleshooting Return Codes
« on: September 24, 2015, 05:43:35 AM »
Hi Michelle,
 For the last error you posted try adding GROUPNAME=INDEX127.  When you don't specify the GROUPNAME parameter it uses the value of INDEX1 for the groupname and since you don't have an INDEX1 you're getting that error message.

z/OS Server / Re: ARSEXOAM V9.5
« on: September 15, 2015, 08:57:05 AM »
Yep, Thank Larry,
I did have to shift them over a column to the right.  I also noticed that in V8.5 I had to put the password in quotes but in V9.5 I had to remove the quotes.

z/OS Server / ARSEXOAM V9.5
« on: September 11, 2015, 07:47:42 AM »
Anyone else run into problems running ARSEXOAM on V9.5?   We migrated to 9.5 and now when I try to run ARSEXOAM it no longer recognizes the format of the ARSPARM.  No changes are described in the 9.5 manuals and it works fine in 8.5.
I get:
ARS5024I ARSEXOAM invoked on 09/11/15 14:39:09
ARS5006I Unrecognized keyword:
ARS5006I Unrecognized keyword:
ARS5003I ODUSERPW=password
ARS5006I Unrecognized keyword:
ARS5013I Control statements processing completed - RC=4 (X'00000004')
ARS5015I ODINSTANCE must be specified

z/OS Server / Re: CMOD 9.5 - .tmp files
« on: August 04, 2015, 10:11:31 AM »
That shouldn't cause any issues.  We've moved our temp locations around without any issues, other than forgetting to set the permission bits.

MP Server / Re: Adding a new user to a usergroup using ARSXML
« on: June 30, 2015, 01:16:00 PM »
So it sounds like you'll need to do it in two steps.  ARSXML add the user then ARSXML update the group with the user.

MP Server / Re: Adding a new user to a usergroup using ARSXML
« on: June 30, 2015, 07:52:41 AM »
Did you try ARSXML update instead of add?

z/OS Server / Re: XML by version
« on: June 22, 2015, 11:02:40 AM »
Thanks Ed,
 I've built  a handful of tools that parse the 8.4 XML and spit out the 9.5 versions.  Some changes were minor such as an invalid or missing parm.  Others more significant such as the folders which ended up being a total redesign of the XML format.
Seems to be working ok now.

z/OS Server / Re: XML by version
« on: June 17, 2015, 06:11:05 AM »
Thanks Alessandro,
 I tried some quick tests last night switching the 8.4 xsd with the 9.5 xsd without any luck.  Looks like I'll have to create a tool to do the conversion.  Thanks!

z/OS Server / XML by version
« on: June 16, 2015, 12:29:28 PM »
This is kind of a wishful thinking question.  How rigid is the version when it comes to the XML schema?
Here's my "dilemma".
I am migrating an instance from 8.4 MP to 9.5 z/OS.  I've been using XML to migrate the definitions and all is going well except for the folders.  What I've discovered is that the schema for a 9.5 folder is completely different than it was for 8.4 and to get the exported folders to load requires reformatting of the XML definitions.  Right now my options is to modify the XML definitions by hand, which makes no sense as we're talking about thousands of folders or develop an application that will reformat them in batch. Not being an XML expert my question is, what would happen if I pointed my 8.4 XML export command at a 9.5 schema (or even an 8.5 one)?   Would this cause my export to be formatted in the 9.5 schema or would it just blow up when it hits a wrong datatype?
Just curious if anyone has tried something like this as it could save me a fair amount of work.

MP Server / Re: ARSXML Export under 8.4
« on: May 13, 2015, 10:50:46 AM »
Thanks Alessandro,
 Doing it piece by piece was my plan B.  I'll probably go with that rather than waste my time with getting the _all thing to work.

MP Server / ARSXML Export under 8.4
« on: May 13, 2015, 08:02:26 AM »
Has anyone successfully exported all their applications using ARSXML and the _ALL  export with V8.4?  We're trying to export an 8.4 database and ran into a JAVA exception issue when using applicationGroup name="_ALL" using the -a option.  We got the application groups before it died so I'm trying to retrieve just the applications.  Using the name=" _All" option for applications isn't working because it's looking for something in the appGroup= field.  Under V9.5 appGroup="_ALL" works but fails in V8.4 (App Group '_ALL' doesn't exist).  I'm curious if anyone has got around this?

If I understand your question correctly the answer is yes, that is what CMOD does.  It will store multiple versions of the document as they're loaded.  It doesn't natively do versioning in the sense that only the most recent version is available.  That you would have to put in controls for or simply capture the load date and retrieve the last version loaded.

MP Server / Re: DB2 Install issue
« on: April 30, 2015, 06:31:56 AM »
Thanks for the tip.  We did download a fixpack for it but before we tried your method we discovered a fix, so to speak.  When we ran the extract the first time we pointed to a location of our choosing. This was the setup where we were running into the issue.  This last time we let the extractor pick the location and ran the setup from that location.  Wouldn't you know the installer worked.  Go figure.

MP Server / DB2 Install issue
« on: April 29, 2015, 12:58:36 PM »
As part of a V9.5 CMOD upgrade we are trying to do a new install of DB2 10.5 on Windows.  After running setup we get the pop up window for install but the left pane is blank.  No options to install, or anything.  Has anyone else run into this?  We're going to try a silent install but was curious if there was a solution for this problem.

Same for the z/OS world as well.  I've had this happen to me a few times and it took a tedious study of the database values to find the issue.

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