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Messages - rjrussel

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MP Server / Re: Unable to contact LDAP server through arslsync
« on: October 18, 2021, 09:32:08 AM »
Ok. So now that you have that sorted, I recommended using ldapsearch from your OnDemand server to truly verify connectivity. The syntax would be:

ldapsearch -h <hostname> -p 389 -w <password> -s sub -b OU=Service Accounts -D CN=CN=svc-od-bind-t,OU=Service Accounts "(objectClass=user)"

Simply change the hostname and password. I did notice after putting that together that your base DN looks odd. It looks to be missing something. While it might in fact be correct, I would double check that with your AD admin.


MP Server / Re: Unable to contact LDAP server through arslsync
« on: October 14, 2021, 03:15:56 PM »
See the following document:

The bindDN and bindDN password need to be in the stash file.

And since you are using AD you should set ARS_LDAP_ALLOW_ANONYMOUS=false

AD doesn't support anonymous bind.



OD/WEK & JAVA API / Re: Implementing RESTful services on z/OS
« on: October 12, 2021, 07:58:33 AM »
If you're talk about zLinux, that would be fine. For running the REST Services on Z/OS that would be a new requirement.



OD/WEK & JAVA API / Re: Connection between ODWEK and Library Server.
« on: September 02, 2021, 03:59:12 PM »
Well you could use SSL to connect from ODWEK to CMOD Server if you're aren't already. You are correct though, it is TCP/IP. I would add, there may be many definitions of "secure". Keep in mind, you are typically talking about a connection from two internal servers, not WEB facing environments. In addition, you can lock down this down in other ways as well. For example, only opening specific ports through a firewall.

The point is, there is lot more to consider then just how ODWEK communicates with the CMOD server.


MP Server / Re: arssockd not starting on New RHEL Server
« on: August 27, 2021, 10:17:47 AM »
Edit the arslog script (opt/ibm/ondemand/v10.5/bin directory) add something like

echo $@ >> /tmp/arslog.out

This should pass the startup error to the file /tmp/arslog.out

That should give you the info to solve the problem.

Note: I am doing this from memory but I think the syntax is correct.


Content Navigator / Re: CMOD Embedded SSO via ICN SAML Token
« on: July 30, 2021, 07:56:29 AM »
My recommendation is to open a case with WebSphere. Sounds like something isn't working/configured properly on the WAS side.

MP Server / Re: Errors encountered during migration from CMOD
« on: July 28, 2021, 02:09:25 PM »
That's a lot of threads. Doesn't sound like a very good approach but being this far out of support this may be your only option. Scale down the threads and see what happens.

MP Server / Re: Configure 2 AD servers for authentication in LDAP
« on: June 03, 2021, 11:17:41 AM »
Can you tell me more about the two LDAP servers? Are they identical in terms of users? Is the goal to implement some sort of HA?


MP Server / Re: ARSUSEC password requirements
« on: May 24, 2021, 01:47:17 PM »
As Justin said, you definitely should consider LDAP for authentication. Having a single place to handle password requirements is far more ideal than at the application layer.  You do not want to be updating every application when your password requirements change.


MP Server / Re: LDAP SYNC
« on: March 11, 2021, 09:15:31 AM »
I should have asked what ldap server you are using because it could change how the filter is defined and maybe even if its possible.

MP Server / Re: LDAP SYNC
« on: March 09, 2021, 05:27:17 PM »
Going to need more information on this one. Do you have an ldap administrator? Building ldap filters (searches) can be tricky if you're not familiar with the syntax. It may also just be that you'll have to make some changes on the ldap side.

Can you give me an example of some users you are trying to import from this different ou's?


it's unique. The short answer to the last questions is you can't generate it for historical data without reloading that data.

Windows Client / Re: edit of CPDEF.FNT and CSDEF.FNT not possible
« on: March 02, 2021, 06:48:58 AM »
In windows 10 C:\program files is a protected area.

To easily edit these files, run the text editor of your choice as administrator. To do this, simply right click on the icon that starts your editor and choose "Run as administrator". You will now be able to edit/save the file.


OnDemand now has the ability to create and store a Unique ID with each hit. The is a 36-byte generated and stored at load time. That is what the  original question was referring to.


MP Server / Re: arslsync automatic update
« on: February 09, 2021, 10:50:25 AM »
No, it doesn't.

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