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Messages - ssorich

Pages: [1]
MP Server / Re: ARSLOG for Users retrievals only
« on: April 13, 2020, 03:24:23 PM »
Your script does indeed roll to a new file overnight...

MP Server / Re: ARSLOG for Users retrievals only
« on: April 09, 2020, 01:00:48 PM »
Agreed.... Thanks much. I think I am going to run arsdoc 1x per day for the previous days logs, and find the codes associated with user activity, generate a file, to pass to splunk.

MP Server / Re: ARSLOG for Users retrievals only
« on: April 07, 2020, 02:52:16 PM »
I am trying to get a daily copy of the log to a file to send to splunk..... I suppose the arsdoc to a file would work as well....but that would give somebody all day to cover tracks.... I am NOT of the opinion that the database can be easily modified in the first place, but the auditors see it a slightly different way. I'm not sure I can truncate the file each day using arslog unless the OS will let me truncate the file after it is copied- without stopping the task I would not bet on it.

MP Server / ARSLOG for Users retrievals only
« on: April 06, 2020, 03:43:53 PM »
Has anybody tried to determine how to log only user activity (for example from ICN) to the spearate file created by ARSLOG?
It works well to duplicate the entire log, but I'm trying to get only user activiy (non-admin).
Also - is there a way to force a new file at end-of-day?


Yeah this was an ars.ini misconfiguration - note to folks who have not used archive as the DB instance - copy your current  ini files to your new server and change any references 10.1 libs etc

MP Server / ARS4013E and ars4014e error on CMOD MP arsdb command
« on: May 10, 2019, 09:42:14 AM »
We are in the middle of an upgrade to our dev system..... Newly installed version of 10.1 on a newly built server on redhat 7.2
 running arsdb command.
[cmodusr@vcld013757 config]$ arsdb -I d_cmod -efv
ARS4013E Unable to determine the database engine
ARS4014E Unable to load ><
Segmentation fault

We can sqlplus to Oracle DB from the server..... Running as the instance owner..... Looked through all previous articles here, and prior link. There is a new requirements for XLCC version 13.1.3 for CMOD MP 10.1 that was not in CMOD MP 9.5
There is nothing specified for Linux Redhat (which we are running 7.2). Is anybody aware of which version is required on Linux? Would it be same as AIX? If so the G++ -v gives me a much older GCC version of 4.8.5(?)

I have received this error many times on Linux running the arsload daemon. I have always seen an issue with the input file name. The worst one had a space at the beginning file name, once imbedded on the file name. Also if the file name does not have the exact amount of nodes in the files name as your daemon, it will get this error. The space in the file name will do that - cause CMOD to stop examining the file name after the first space. Just to double-check that before going fix-pack.

MP Server / Re: APK423S error writing to home dir
« on: May 01, 2018, 10:46:13 AM »
Yup - I also found -c in the arsload command that will override the temp dir designation

MP Server / APK423S error writing to home dir
« on: April 24, 2018, 09:43:10 AM »
I am getting : APK423S AN ERROR OCCURRED WHILE ATTEMPTING TO WRITE /home/cmodusr/.../../etc   when processing a large file.
I see that there are some "working" files being written to the home directory of the owning user's dir.

We cleaned some space and got the file processed, but I'd like to change the location where these working files are written.

Does anybody know if this is possible? If so, where would I make this config change?


MP Server / Re: User exit in C - need advice
« on: October 06, 2017, 09:03:19 AM »
Thanks Justin - and agreed - it's one substring or array value from what I want t to be

MP Server / User exit in C - need advice
« on: October 05, 2017, 08:02:43 AM »
We already have an exit that changes all x’00’ to x’20’... I donlt know C language, but I am trying to change only the value in column1 to spaces instead of all characters... Is anybody familiar with how to change the code to do so? Thanks!

Here is the source:
#include "apkexits.h"                                                           

char *recordptr; /* pointer to record to be analyzed */
int recordlen; /* length of record to be analyzed */


   recordptr = exitstruc->record;
   recordlen = exitstruc->recordln;
   int cnt = 0;

   if(exitstruc->eof != INP_EOFLAG)

      for (cnt = 0; cnt < recordlen; cnt++ ) {
         if ((unsigned char) exitstruc->record[cnt] == 0x00) {
            exitstruc->record[cnt] = 0x20;

      exitstruc->request = INP_USE;

   return( 0 );

MP Server / Re: Carriage control characters '-' and '0' supported?
« on: September 18, 2017, 11:30:57 AM »
Ed - I don't think so, this is truly all asa carriage control from the same set of files being exported out of a CA system, to be converted to CMOD, so all carriage control is the same (Fixed-length, blocked, ASA print-control characters). I did see this in your link:
•As an ACIF input exit. The ANSI and machine CC data sets could be concatenated together, then the file is run through arsload (and acif). The acif exit would convert the machine CC to ANSI CC, leave the ANSI CC alone that are already present, and then load this input file to OnDemand.

I am unsure if I would need to create an exit to handle standard carriage controls. This is sort of surprising to me.

MP Server / Carriage control characters '-' and '0' supported?
« on: September 18, 2017, 06:52:05 AM »
I have many files coming to my MP 9.5 installation on Linux from a mainframe with FBA format/ ANSI carriage control. It appears that the '-' and '0' carriage controls are not supported(?). When I remove them it somehow works. Not sure if my removal process is somehow "fixing" the file, but it appears to already have valid line feeds etc. I can't believe that these carriage controls are not supported. I get this before I remove the carriage controls of '0' and '-' in 1st column. ARS1114E Unable to read from offset 0 for length 687080 from the file >/
Is there some exit that can help? Has anybody else dealt with this?

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