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Messages - dkoch

Pages: [1]
z/OS Server / Re: Migrating to z/OS 1.10
« on: December 30, 2008, 01:39:16 PM »
Just curious if anyone knows what this new CBRIEDBS DB2 package does?  What z/OS DB2 OAM tables does it end up getting bound to?  I couldn't find any doc when searching around. 

Also, we are currently on z/OS 1.9 and will be migrating to 1.10 in 2009.  Any significant (or any at all) structure changes warranted to the OAM storage group tables (directory, 4k, 32k) that z/OS 1.10 warrants?  As an aside, when migrating to either 1.8 or 1.9 (can't remember which), we chose not to build the BLOB tables and changed the BIND option on our CBR* packages that were expecting these new BLOB tables from VALIDATE BIND to VALIDATE RUN.  Just hoping z/OS 1.10 is not requiring the BLOB tables now?

Any/all insight appreciated.  thanks in advance

A few months back, we noticed that we were taking hundreds of RID pool sort failures on commonly executed retrieve queries going against application group tables.  Given the nature of how the indexes on these things are established from IBM (many one column indexes), we came up with a tweaking of one of the indexes in order to make it a multi-column clustered index (POSTING_DATE, OD_RID_TITLE, first column of the application group table) so as to eliminate/reduce the hundreds of RID pool sort failures we've been seeing.  Doing production tonight, so will see how successful it turns out.

Just curious if anyone else has had similar experiences (btw, we are on version  I've heard that version 8 of OnDemand has the ability for the client to create multi-column indexes when creating new application group tables?  Assume with the CLUSTER keyword as well?

Appreciate any insight.  thanks

z/OS Server / OnDemand & 8.3 (8.4?) availability on z/OS?
« on: February 08, 2008, 01:30:32 PM »
Was wondering what the latest is on either of these releases for z/OS?  When will they be available?  Also, just curious how each release impacts the OnDemand database structures (I am my company's DBA for OnDemand--z/OS).  Any insight appreciated.  thanks

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