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Messages - Justin Derrick

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z/OS Server / Re: Enhanced Retention Management and expiration
« on: December 16, 2020, 04:42:59 PM »
The thing to know about ERM is that it allows you to select documents to be put on hold (say, a regulatory issue, or lawsuit, or audit) or 'implied hold', which means 'hold everything I load until I say it can be deleted'.

To answer your first question...  In the first situation, yes.  Documents without 'holds' applied to them will expire as per your standard schedule.  Documents *with* holds will be held.  In the second situation (implied hold), you will have to remove the implied hold from documents in order to get them expired.

You're going to want to work with a specialist in CMOD on Z, because the implementation details are tricky, and going back to apply ERM on old documents will take some work - either low-level changes to database tables, or export and reload of data.

Hi MD.

There's nothing in CMOD's code that will help you validate the contents of a PDF *before* loading -- you'll have to do that yourself with some validation tool, and there are lots of open-source PDF libraries that will do a basic check.

You may want to switch your process to use the PDF Indexer, so that CMOD will try to open the PDF files and read them in order to identify and separate the resources.


It's the only Windows graphical interface for administration.  There is the 'arsxml' utility, but that's more for batch administration, or moving configurations from system to system.


z/OS Server / Re: Job to delete out files in the /tmp directory
« on: December 06, 2020, 02:27:24 PM »
If you have unix-style commands available to you, and the cron scheduling tool, you can configure cron to run this command daily, which deletes files that were created x days ago:

find /tmp/ -name FILESPEC -ctime +x rm -f {} \;


Set FILESPEC to the file specification you want to use ("*.AOD") and 'x' to the number of days you want files to exist.


I'll risk incrimination here...  :)

You can use "SSH tunnels" to create a portal from the jumphost to the CMOD server.  Then you configure your windows client to connect to the jump host, and the jump host forwards the connection through the encrypted tunnel to the other side.

This may or may not violate your local security policy -- even though it obeys the spirit of the policy (all connections into production must go through the jump host), the people in charge of enforcing the policy may not see it that way.

The alternative that most organizations provide is a citrix server that has one foot inside the internal network, and the other foot inside the production network.


MP Server / Re: Long Running ARSLOAD - How to see progress and kill
« on: December 03, 2020, 11:25:06 AM »
Hey TJ...

For long-running loads, you just have to be patient.  However, I've seen your other posts, and multi-hour loads are unheard of.  Even on-premise to on-cloud loads are measured in minutes.


I order to avoid incriminating myself, I'll only say:  "SSH Tunnels".  :)


MP Server / Re: Loading error and runstat error
« on: December 02, 2020, 08:04:21 AM »
You'll want to have your DB2 database administrator investigate the cause to make sure it isn't something serious.  In the past, I've solved this problem by taking CMOD & DB2 offline, running a DB2 full offline backup, then running a re-org on all of the ARS* tables and whichever Application Group tables that were causing problems.

Good luck, and please reply back with the solution when you find it!


MP Server / Re: CMOD 9.5 MP Load Fails - No System Log Error Message?
« on: December 01, 2020, 04:39:21 PM »
Yup, that should work.  Try it out and report back.  :)


OD/WEK & JAVA API / Re: Automatically unload when error occurs
« on: December 01, 2020, 04:35:07 PM »
So, just submit the LoadID to arsadmin unload?


Yeah, those load times are insane.  Most CMOD PDF Indexing is done on Windows -- simply because the libraries for PDF on the Windows platforms are the most heavily used, so get the most development time/effort.

There are other tricks, like disabling PDF's internal compression to let CMOD work its own magic under the covers.

You can test it out by running the loads manually from a PC with the CMOD server software installed locally.  If the performance is way better, then consider adding that into your architecture. 


MP Server / Re: CMOD 9.5 MP Load Fails - No System Log Error Message?
« on: November 30, 2020, 05:19:18 PM »
Yeah, I've actually got another customer with the same issue.  They upgraded late last year to v9.5, and they've noticed that failed loads are missing the error messages in their scripts.  They're looking at changing something like 600+ individual load scripts to incorporate the "2>&1" magic. 


In cases like this, whoever produces the files needs to fix their process.  Content Manager OnDemand is an archive -- we shouldn't modify anything, ever.

If you want to detect the errors so you can reject them, then you need to build some custom code around arsload to do that testing first. 


MP Server / Re: CMOD 9.5 MP Load Fails - No System Log Error Message?
« on: November 30, 2020, 09:49:06 AM »
If you're running inside a script you need to 'redirect' standard error into standard output by adding this at the end:

arsload <options>  >arsload.log 2>&1

That will capture error messages as well as informational messages.  I think this behaviour changed in Content Manager OnDemand v9.x -- I believe that previous versions sent all messages (info & error) to standard output.


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