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Messages - Justin Derrick

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Other / Re: tsm connection to on-premises cloud cloud type s3 problem
« on: November 25, 2020, 03:14:18 PM »
Not sure...  but you mentioned Certificates, but the error message says HTTP (not HTTP_S_) -- might need to enable SSL on your connection?


MP Server / Re: CMOD 9.5 MP Load Fails - No System Log Error Message?
« on: November 25, 2020, 02:56:19 PM »
I don't think Ed knows you're running on AIX. :)  Unless you have a mainframe as one of your source systems...


MP Server / Re: Redaction in CMOD - What can you do?
« on: November 25, 2020, 02:40:22 PM »
There's no real built-in support for redaction in CMOD.  You can build it, I think with the preview exit, and some heavy lifting on development.  You'd want to redact-on-retrieval, so that the contents of the OnDemand archive remain accurate for legal / regulatory reasons.  You don't mention data types, or if you only want to do this for metadata.

If you wanted to do it for metadata, you could play some database-side trickery - add an extra column for the redacted data, and then use a postprocessor script at load time to populate that field, replacing characters with dashes or asterisks something similar.  Then you could do some folder tricks that woud allow you to search for a full field contents, but on retrieve, only see the redacted data.

There's some development involved, but it should be possible to build something that meets your needs.


MP Server / Re: Shutting down arssockd
« on: November 22, 2020, 03:32:52 PM »
If it doesn't shut down gracefully, it's okay to kill it.  Just do what you can to shut down cleanly - no loads, no admin users making changes, no arsmaint running, etc.


Documentation / Re: 10.5 Install Questions
« on: November 17, 2020, 12:15:06 PM »
Given that they never came back, it looks like they figured it out.  It'd be nice if we knew what the answer was.

It sounded like they were trying to create database tables after moving a database from another system, which doesn't make a lot of sense... 


MP Server / Re: Unified Content and Access integration Layer (UCAIL)
« on: November 13, 2020, 06:37:11 AM »
There *used* to be a DocID that you could store, but it was a (severe) security problem.  DocID's are now encrypted, and are only valid for a particular user on a particular server, and I believe for a limited amount of time.

You could enable GUIDs or Document Hashes in CMOD, but then you'd still have to do a search beforehand.

I'm actually curious to know where the performance problem is.  I have customers doing high-hundreds-of-millions of queries a day, along with low-hundreds-of-millions retrievals per day, with *zero* performance concerns except the occasional 'malicious query' (like, "all customers with 'S' in their name").  There's a LOT of tuning that can be done in CMOD.


Ah.  I wonder if you could use the annotation feature with CMOD - to add an annotation to the document, which would be displayed at the time you perform a retrieval.  It still sounds like you'd have to build something custom (retrieval / preview user exit?).

You might be able to build this as an ICN plugin, but I'm not sure how you'd customize the Thick Client to be able to do this.


I can't think of a way for you to be able to change metadata without a source of that metadata.  :)

The only other way is to build a custom front end through the ODWEK Java API that queries a database to determine if the document is sensitive or not, and either allow or deny the retrieval based on the results.

It's an interesting issue with very few clear solutions.


Report Indexing / Re: arsload not finding ARSACIF
« on: November 09, 2020, 07:26:24 AM »
I think there's three...


They're all undocumented, so use at your own risk.  :)


MP Server / Re: Unified Content and Access integration Layer (UCAIL)
« on: November 08, 2020, 02:31:46 PM »
What's the end goal / big picture?  Search federation or enterprise search?  This sounds a lot like CMIS, which seemed to fizzle out after a few years of hype.

As for accessing a document, there really isn't a way.  You could store the object name, plus the byte offset and length, but it would still be compressed in a proprietary fashion, so you'd still have to call CMOD anyway.

You absolutely *can* use globally unique document IDs or document hashes as metadata for searching for a *specific* document, but that actually just adds to the overhead, it doesn't reduce it.


Report Indexing / Re: arsload not finding ARSACIF
« on: November 08, 2020, 02:23:25 PM »
Shouldn't that be /opt/ibm?

If you've changed the location, I think you need to export a variable with the new location.  Can't remember it off the top of my head...


Sounds like you need the same thing insurance companies have...  You receive a 'master file' from a source system, and you process it to update fields in CMOD with arsdoc update.

You'll need to catch both processes -- once someone gets onto the list, it marks their documents as sensitive, once someone leaves the list, it removes the 'sensitive' label.

You could discriminate between the two with a query restriction - normal access is "NOT like 'sensitive'", and higher levels of access don't have that restriction at all.


MP Server / Re: The server failed while retrieving a document
« on: November 01, 2020, 12:55:48 PM »
I know I've said it many times, but I'll say it again...  there just isn't enough information in your post for us to determine the problem.

Help US to help YOU by making it easy for us to understand the problem.  Describe the versions of CMOD, DB2, and Operating System at a minimum.  Tell us what you've investigated or tried to fix the problem, and what the result was.

Show us your configuration, especially storage management.  And there is usually an error in the system log when there's a failure of any kind, so a screen shot of the System Log would be nice too.

Until then, there's very little we can say, other than "check everything".


annotations are not displayed if the document is launched in an external viewer

Good to know...  The 32/64-bit client vs Acrobat thing seems tricky...


Consider adding an annotation to the document, and configure it to be displayed on the first page after a retrieval?

Alternately, have a background service that finds and updates these 'extra sensitive' documents with the metadata you're already using in your User Exit?


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