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I am running a CMOD installed on Linux. When running ODF, I am getting an error: "ARS4703E Unable to run command >java<. The error number is 2".

What is error number 2? How do I fix it? Where can I find the error numbers?

I don't have too much experience with ODF configuration issues.

I appreciate any information.

Best Regards,

MP Server / ARSMAINT Issue - Out of support
« Last post by jsquizz on July 01, 2024, 07:57:34 AM »
Hi all,

I'm working on an old CMOD system, we're in the process of getting on 10.5, but for now - We're stuck on 9.5 and out of support.

AIX 7.1
TSM 7.1

When we run arsmaint - Nothing is expiring. It almost looks like nothing is happening.

When I run:

Code: [Select]
arsmaint -cd -n 60 -x 70 -I archive -g <appgroup>
I get:

Code: [Select]
Message 30, Login, loopback local, (AIX), (ARSMAINT), (
Code: [Select]
Cache Expiration,: Date(2024-07-01) InternalDate(19906) MinPct(60) MaxPct(70) Server(cmod)
Nothing else happens when I execute the command. It hangs at the command prompt. This particular application group is using TSM. When i tail the TSM log, there's nothing other than a return code of 0.

Anywhere else I can be looking? This is happening for all other appgroups as it seems.
MP Server / Re: LDAP using SSL Failing to BIND in Production
« Last post by rjrussel on July 01, 2024, 07:34:24 AM »
It looks like you didn't enable LDAP through the Windows ADMIN client for the server you are now trying to set up.

Log into your server, Right click on it and select "System Parameters". Click the Login Information tab and make sure the Enable LDAP box is checked.

You will need to recycle arssockd once this change is made.
MP Server / Re: LDAP using SSL Failing to BIND in Production
« Last post by JeanineJ on July 01, 2024, 04:41:42 AM »
The certificate I was given by the group responsible for AD expires next year and is working in the lower environments. I just did a full server reboot last night (my maintenance window) and that didn't help. I changed the port to 389 and set SSL to FALSE, I have repopulated the keyring db 3 times, updated my LDAP ID 3 times. My server admin (I know enough about Linux to be dangerous) and there's no outbound port blocked for 389, 636, or 3269 on the CMOD server. IBM had me add ARS_LDAP_REFFERALS=FALSE and I tested that last night with no success.

My last options will be use the other ID to connect and/or fine tune the BASE_DN to OU=XXXXX People,DC=xxx,DC=xxxx,DC=xxxxx,DC=com.

This is what I get:
9978:140246905972480 06/16/2024 21:08:28:097711 FLOW arsldap.c(2427)ArcLDAP_Authenticate:Enter
29978:140246905972480 06/16/2024 21:08:28:097767 FLOW arsldap.c(2350)ArcLDAPP_CheckIgnoreUsers:Enter
29978:140246905972480 06/16/2024 21:08:28:097776 FLOW arsldap.c(2398)ArcLDAPP_CheckIgnoreUsers:Return rc=0
29978:140246905972480 06/16/2024 21:08:28:097786 ERROR arsldap.c(2446)ArcLDAP_Authenticate:LDAP has not been initialized
29978:140246905972480 06/16/2024 21:08:28:097797 FLOW arsldap.c(2772)ArcLDAP_Authenticate:Return arccs return code=6,ARCCS_FAILED

I'm fresh out of ideas.
MP Server / Re: LDAP using SSL Failing to BIND in Production
« Last post by rjrussel on June 26, 2024, 08:40:46 AM »
Sounds like some certs may have expired/changed.
MP Server / LDAP using SSL Failing to BIND in Production
« Last post by JeanineJ on June 24, 2024, 11:08:09 AM »
I've got a possible weird situation. I'm running CMOD MP on 3 RHEL7 servers. With Lab Services help I've managed to implement LDAP Authentication using SSL on the 2 non-prod servers. When I attempted to implement in Production, I've run into a problem where the LDAP ID won't perform the initial BIND. I was able to use the same ID production ID to BIND on one of the lower environment servers.
1. I've checked and rechecked my typing for the LDAP parms in ars.cfg along with having them peer reviewed. I've redone the LDAP BIND ID and password in the stash file.
2. The .pem certificate is the same across all 3 servers just has different labels in the keyring DB.
3. Initially I used 1 ID to BIND on the 2 non-prod servers and a second ID to BIND in PROD.
4. The Linux team assures me that the traffic outbound to the AD server is not blocked on either port 636 or 3269.

I've got a ticket open with IBM but I was wondering if anyone in the user group had any issues.
I'm out of ideas.
Now I also see that there is also an issue in our company with CM failing LDAP Authentication with SSL enabled.
MP Server / Re: Moving to RHEL from AIX (licensing question)
« Last post by rjrussel on June 21, 2024, 06:19:39 AM »
This would be a great question for your IBM Software Rep.

On multiplatform, OnDemand is typically licensed by user, not CPU.
MP Server / Moving to RHEL from AIX (licensing question)
« Last post by Michel de Kraker on June 19, 2024, 04:54:56 AM »

Currently we are running CMOD on AIX.

AIX lpars are running in dedicated processor pools apart from other applications running on the same POWER system.
This reduces the licensing costs significantly.

When we go to RHEL on VMWARE , we do not have the capability of dedicated processor pools if I understand correctly.
In fact , when you are in a VMWARE farm of let's say total of 96 processor you will be charged for 96 processors.

Does this seems logical or am I completely wrong? Is there someone who is running on RHEL/VMWARE and has some licensing info?

Thankyou for your thoughts.

Kind regards

Content Navigator / Re: Opening PDFs using thick Client 32-bit Error
« Last post by JMichael on June 14, 2024, 10:37:21 AM »
Hi Ed,
Those procedures resolved the issue.  Thanks!
Content Navigator / Re: Opening PDFs using thick Client 32-bit Error
« Last post by JMichael on June 14, 2024, 09:57:54 AM »
Will try this, thanks.
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