Author Topic: AFP2PDF Plus AFP to PDF transform issue  (Read 1756 times)

Jaydeep Mehta

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AFP2PDF Plus AFP to PDF transform issue
« on: July 31, 2017, 03:32:21 AM »
Hi All,

We are using the AFP2PDF Plus transform ( ) utility to transform AFP file into PDF for loading file into CMOD 8.5 .
Below is the command format we are using and it is working fine but when we want to add resources as well while doing the transform it is not picking resources and giving a Error message "No such file or directory"  but files and directory is present .

So is this any other syntax need to add in command for resource  .
Below command we are using .

/usr/lpp/ars/www/afp2pdfplus/  -d /export/tcstage/ingestfiles   -h /opt/ondemand/citi/font 
-r  /export/tcstage/resources   -odload -nt 8   -temp  /export/Test  -c /opt/ondemand/citi/optionsfiles/Statements/a2pxopts.Statements   CHK.CLNTSTMT.858019.20170724.AFP

Please suggest , your valuable input .

also we are getting below "warning message as well"

!!Warning!! Cannot determine code page number from encoding ISO8859-1
!!Warning!! Cannot determine code page number from encoding ISO8859-1