Author Topic: Vendor Code of Conduct  (Read 4962 times)

Justin Derrick

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Vendor Code of Conduct
« on: April 21, 2015, 11:55:48 AM »
Vendor Code of Conduct for the OnDemand User Group

The OnDemand User Group ("ODUG") is a non-corporate, non-profit organization, focused on distributing and exchanging information on IBM's Content Manager OnDemand ("CMOD") software, exclusively for the benefit of its members.  ODUG does not sell, rent, or otherwise distribute its members contact information for any purpose, ever.

While vendors (i.e. organizations or individuals who are not direct licensees, but whose interest in CMOD is primarily commercial, or on behalf of a third party) are welcome to join, participate, and attend ODUG events, they are expected to adhere to the following guidelines:

1)  No advertising / solicitation will be permitted outside the Vendor Forum.  All notification of events / webinars / product and/or service announcements will be limited to the Vendor Forum.  For the safety/security of ODUG Users, please post direct links for users -- no URL-shortening tools that obfuscate the actual destination website.

2)  Vendors are welcome to participate in the other ODUG Forums.  All users should have individual accounts.  A single 'corporate account' for all members of a vendor's team is NOT recommended. This is an opportunity for vendors to highlight the skill of their technical team, show their professionalism, and contribute back to the CMOD community.

3)  Vendors are allowed to have a small, unobtrustive 'signature' attached to their posts that includes personal, individual contact information (not a switchboard, sales department, or "group inbox"), with a single line either mentioning the company name, or services offered.  No corporate logos, graphics in signatures, or company-logos-as-avatar-images are permitted.

Adherence to this Code of Conduct is mandatory for all vendors who use the ODUG Forums.  Contraventions of this Code of Conduct will be dealt with by any measures the ODUG Board of Directors sees fit.  This includes, but is not limited to:  Written warnings, including notification of the deletion of posts & replies, temporary or permanent suspension of Forum accounts (including other individual accounts from the same vendor), or the banning of a vendor's domain from membership.

This Code of Conduct is subject to change without notice, and new versions can be implemented by a simple majority at any regularly scheduled ODUG Board of Director's Meeting.  New and/or updated versions of the Vendor Code of Conduct will be posted publicly on the ODUG Forums, and will be effective the day they are posted.

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