Author Topic: AFP with colored JPEG  (Read 4148 times)


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AFP with colored JPEG
« on: November 04, 2020, 02:21:24 AM »
Hi All,

Would anyone know why the CMOD client would crash when trying to view an AFP with a colored JPEG images in it?

We did not see this behavior when the AFP had black-and-white JPEG images in it.  ???

It might not be because of the color or black-and-white appearance, but this is the only difference that I could see for now.

Is there any specific JPEG format that is required for compatibility? Any article that I could refer to?

Please let me know.

Thanks in Advance.



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Re: AFP with colored JPEG
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2020, 06:37:50 AM »
Just wanted to share something that worked for me. Not sure if it's right solution or just a workaround. :-\

The colored JPEGs were opened using MS Paint (in Edit Mode) and were "re-saved"  :-X as a JPEGs again.
Now the AFPs generated using these "re-saved" JPEGs were viewable in the CMOD viewer without any issues. The viewer did not crash or anything!  :o

From what I could see, the re-saved JPEGs were having JFIF metadata in addition to whatever other attributes the image already had.

I would be grateful if anyone else has faced the said issue and has a better solution/workaround than what I have seen. Please do post here!  :D