Author Topic: Copy all data from TSM to Cache  (Read 5595 times)


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Copy all data from TSM to Cache
« on: February 09, 2022, 06:26:36 AM »

I want to copy all OnDemand data in TSM to Cache as a part of moving the OnDemand environment from Windows server with OD 8.5 to a Linux server with OD 10.5 cache only.

As I understand I have to first retrieve objects from TSM with arsadmin retrieve and thereafter store on cache with arsadmin store. Is there a way to do that in one step?

Henry Johansen

Joe Wolken

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Re: Copy all data from TSM to Cache
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2022, 09:02:03 AM »
I recently had a similar requirement when moving objects archived to TSM on an OnDemand iSeries Server to another storage media on the same server.  I used a two step process:

1. For the TSM extract, I created a Java utility that read the records from the SAx System Load files to get each Application Group and LoadID, then automated the calling of the OnDemand ARSDOC Get API and passing it the -X parameter with individual LoadIDs, for example:

ARSDOC Get -c -g -N -o ONDTSM -h QUSROND -d /Home/OnDMon -G AppGroupName -X LoadID

2. Use OnDemand Load monitor tools to load the .IND and .OUT files from /Home/OnDMon

There may be other ways to accomplish the same result, but this is one approach that worked.

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