Author Topic: Font mapping  (Read 17925 times)


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Font mapping
« on: September 12, 2012, 07:10:38 AM »
Hi,  We are running mainframe reports to CMOD...The issue we are having is with the fonts being used on the mainframe not being able to display correctly in CMOD...I'm guessing it's because these are mainframe fonts and not PC fonts so there is no relationship...How do you map a mainframe font to CMOD so the data displays correctly?...Is there some 'table' that needs updated on the CMOD server?...If so, where is it located?...Also, once you determine what needs updated, how do you determine what mainframe font best matches a PC font or is it just trial and error?...It must be noted that our users are using the webi client and not the desktop client of CMOD....


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Re: Font mapping
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2012, 07:57:45 AM »
AFP fonts are typically not installed on a windows workstation. 

You can print to an AFP printer because it does have access to AFP fonts.

When displaying an AFP document on windows, the AFP fonts are mapped to "equivalent" fonts installed with windows.   

As long as the AFP document is using AFP fonts that have already been mapped it should be no problem.

I know it's not easy wading through this doc, but the following should be able to get you started on mapping:
 and especially this one:



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Re: Font mapping
« Reply #2 on: September 12, 2012, 08:15:08 AM »
Thanks Ed for the info....I'll pass this onto our systems area to see if they can do anything with it....As I indicated, our clients are using the WEBI client so any mapping would have to be done on the Web server side and not on any local machines....Hopefully they will be able to figure that out....;-)


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Re: Font mapping
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2012, 09:18:14 AM »
I'll admit I'm not familiar with WEBi at all, just the windows client so I hope I haven't led you astray.

One more link in case anyone is following this discussion:



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Re: Font mapping
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2012, 11:33:57 AM »
  I have not loaded AFP documents but there are different viewers in WEBi that you can use to open different types of document. You can set this by running ? Did you try that?



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Re: Font mapping
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2012, 12:55:33 PM »
Hi - I just loaded one AFP file in to my on Demand server and changed the viewer to Applet Viewer and I am able to see it. You might want to give this a shot. I do not have any AFP fonts loaded on my windows machine.



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Re: Font mapping
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2012, 05:23:24 AM »
Are you referring to the Jave (Sun) setting?...I have that checked on my Internet Optons..We're using JRE 1.6.0_07....Anything new will not work with the webi version we are running.


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Re: Font mapping
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2012, 10:35:48 AM »
Again - hope I'm not confusing things, but it might be related to this:

Browser Plug-ins

There are two browser plugins that ship with CMOD:

1) The AFP Viewer

2) The Image Viewer for things like TIFF

On z/OS, both are available out in the /usr/lpp/ars/V8R5M0/www/plugins/  directory

22784776  imgplgin.exe
44876864  afpplgin.exe

Just ftp, execute and you should be good-to-go.

In Firefox - to see what plugins you have   Tools -> Add-ons

In IE - Tools -> Manage Add-ons


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Re: Font mapping
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2012, 05:30:33 AM »
I found the afpplgin file, downloaded it to my PC and then ran the exe..I ran through the install and kept both IE and Firefox checked...I couldn't find it on I.E. under tools but did see it on Firefox showing disabled..Was able to enable it...I then opened up the CMOD Webi client and attempted to view the report that is having issues...Looks like it's still 'overlapping' the data..This issue isn't happening on every page of the report..It's like the 'default' webi font being used on certain lines is too big...Someone had said there was some font mapping table on the server where you can specify a specific web font to go with a mainframe font..Were told it would be a 'trial and error' finding what PC font best went with a specific mainframe font...Below is what we get...The end of the ACCRUED INCOME LINE is overlapping a number field..Basically that whole line (Beginning with TOTAL) needs to be a smaller size font so it's not as long and overlap the number field...We get this issue on both the thick and webi client of CMOD...Our users only use  the web version so that's where we need to get it resolved....



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Re: Font mapping
« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2012, 07:54:19 AM »
Hi - What viewer are using in WEBi? WEBi has different viewers so you might want to try different ones. Just a thought there are some plug in that convert AFP to pdf at the browser level , did you try that? You can also specify them in WEBi?



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Re: Font mapping
« Reply #10 on: September 20, 2012, 09:16:35 AM »
Primarily we are using IE....I did see the AFP to PDF...Someone from IBM had mentioned some cross reference "table" on the server itself where you can map a particular mainframe font to a corresponding PC font...What appears to be happening now is a 'default' font is being used on certain pages which is too large and causing data to overwrite...If I knew where this cross reference table is located and how it gets edited, we may be able to correct the issue...I'm not sure if the users want to convert this report to a PDF when viewing it in CMOD...


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Re: Font mapping
« Reply #11 on: September 20, 2012, 11:31:03 AM »
(really hoping someone else jumps in with more info)

You might be looking for the cpdef.fnt file ... a quick google will tell you more.

No, I've never edited it myself, I just know it's there and has something to do with all of this, or at least I think it does. 


Alessandro Perucchi

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Re: Font mapping
« Reply #12 on: September 20, 2012, 12:18:41 PM »

If you are using the AFP Viewer plugin with a browser, then you must install also the font in each workstation that is using the AFP Viewer.
Normally, you need to configure the files in the FONT directory in the installation path of the AFP Viewer plugin.
You might need also to change the font configuration file.

maybe these links could help:

I'm not very used to that subject, but I had to handle by one of customer such thing, and that was just a matter of configuring correctly the AFP Pluging viewer...

I hope that helps a bit.

Sincerely yours,
Alessandro Perucchi

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Re: Font mapping
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2012, 03:33:19 PM »
  IE is the web browser. There are different viewers/plug ins in WEBi. You can configure them like this , go to $WEBi_HOME/admin. Where $WEBi_HOME is the root directory where WEBi is installed. We have an AIX unix system and then I run this this should pop up a gui that gives one the ability to configure the role, viewers , install plugins etc. Try setting the default viewer to appletViewer for all AFP files , like I said before that kind of helped resolve seeing AFP files with out any installation of fonts etc on client machines. Actually we have infoprint comes installed in our aix machines by default so when I open the browser in my pc it automatically asks me if I trust this plug in and if it is ok to run clicking yes to all the script warnings let's you see the AFP.

If you have a plugin and you would like WEBi to use , I think you have to install it using this way on the server. Again test it out. I have not personally installed any plug in.

You can also try to edit the ViewerConfig.xml in configuration directory and set the viewerName="appletViewer"  for contentType="application/afp". How ever I was speaking to some one at IBM and they said it is not recommended to edit those files manually. So modify using , again test it out .



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Re: Font mapping
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2012, 05:44:00 AM »
Ok, I THOUGHT I had things working...In this particular report I'm trying to view, it errors not finding a Coded Font...I looked up the font on the mainframe and found the associated character set and code page..I added the following line to the icoded.fnt file in the C:\Program Files\IBM\OnDemand32\Font directory:


When attempting to view the report in the viewer, the Coded Font error message seemed to go away...I'm not getting an error on the Character Set (c0a07300) indicating it's not found in the csdef.fnt...I then attempted to update the csdef.fnt file with the following information:

Under the CHARSET I added this:  C0A07300=4535,110,73,0,0
Under the FGID, the 4535 FGID was already defined: 4535=SonoranSerif,ROMAN,MED

The T1GI0361 code page was already defined in the cpdef.fnt so I didn't have to update it...

The issue is I'm STILL getting the error indicating the C0A07300 was not found in the CSDEF.FNT and the default will be used..I just don't understand why...It HAS to be the way I'm attempting to insert the C0A07300=4535,110,73,0,0 line in the CSDEF.FNT because as a test I created a new CSDEF.FNT file with just this info:

;charset = fgid, height, width, strikeover, underline
;fgid = familyname, style, weight, italic

When I attempt to view the report again, I get all kinds of font error (which I understand) but what I DON'T get are any errors on the C0A07300 character set like before...So it seems to find it...I've attached the CSdef.fnt file I'm trying to use....Any info anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated....