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Messages - Ed_Arnold

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z/OS Server / Re: Loads Failing
« on: March 21, 2020, 04:00:44 PM »
I shamelessly stole this writeup from a colleague on the OAM reason code:

The 0000000B indicates that on an attempt to retrieve the document in
question, OAM is returning an error as indicated by the return and
reason codes (0000000C-6C030910).
The meaning of those return and reason code can be found in Chapter 12
OAM Diagnostic Aids, of the DFPSMSdfp Diagnosis guide located in the
z/OS 1.10 Library Center at the following url(this is the older one,
the 1.12 one is not accessible):
And summarized here:
Section 12.2 OSREQ Return and Reason Codes
 Table 89. OSREQ Return and Reason Codes
 Return        Reason Code           Description
 Code          (Bytes)
               0      1    2    3
 12 (X'0C')    X'6C'  x    y    z    OAM address space detected failure.
                                     yz   LCS reason code. See
                                     "OAM Macro Return and Reason Codes"
                                     in topic 12.4 and look for the
                                     associated OAM macro reason code.
                                     The rreturn code 12 is an OSREQ
                                     return code, and may not match the
                                     return code for the OAM macro.
Section 12.4 OAM Macro Return and Reason Codes
Table 93. OAM Macro Reason Codes
Return                Reason
Code     Error Code   Code     Description
X'0C'    Hardware     X'0910'  Specific request for unreadable volume.
To confirm that the failure can be isolated to what is occurring in OAM,
please issue the following requests in TSO:
TSO OSREQ QUERY <collection name> <object name>
TSO OSREQ RETRIEVE <collection name> <object name>
The collection and object names to specify in the above commands can be
found in the ARS0020E message itself. For example, the following
complete ARS0020E message was issued for another customer's similar
ARS0020E O09402 SM ERROR: ARSMVSRE: 0000000B(0000000C-6C030910)
In that case, IODC.R90D0442.SGROUP10.OD10YEAR was the collection name
and JQA.L53.FAAA was the object name.
I also anticipate that the OSREQ RETRIEVE request will fail with the
same return and reason codes as when the retrieve request is issued
through OnDemand.
This may actually be the result of just one unreadable tape rather than
the backup tapes/volume not being available in general. Here is what the
OAM support team recommended it further diagnose the failure in the
other customer's case:
  You can issue the D SMS,VOL(volser) command to check for the volume
status or do a SPUFI on the volume to see if it has been set to readable
= NO.  In any case, OAM provides an UPDATE VOLUME command that should be
used to update the VOLUME or TAPEVOL DB2 Tables.  Here is an example of
the OAM Update volume command:
  This command can be used to change other setting such as writable,
etc.   Please review the OAM PISA for Object support on more information
about the OAM update volume command.
In that case, the customer was able to set the volume to readable, but
found that they actually needed to do a complete volume recovery on the
primary tape volume.   When attempting to recover the tape, they further
found that some of the backup tapes were also bad and not readable.
They cleared the errors on the backup tapes and were then able to
restart the volume recovery on the primary volume.
In your case, please issue the indicated OSREQ and D SMS commands and
report the results. If it is the anticipated backup volume that is
triggering the failure, try the F OAM command to set the volume to
readable. If that does not work, the volume may need a
complete recovery.

If you still need help you need to talk to OAM support.


z/OS Server / Re: 10.1 Release Notes
« on: March 21, 2020, 03:53:42 PM »
Twice recently I've had problems reported where people had carried forward their LE overrides from V9.5 to V10.1, causing abends in ARSSOCKD and in ARSODF.

Do not override the default LE settings anywhere in V10.1 unless you have re-run the LE tuning exercise.


Announcements & News / Re: CMOD v10.5 Announced
« on: March 12, 2020, 11:09:25 AM »
LDAP sync tool is included to help automate the synchronization of changes in users and groups definitions in corporate directory servers into Content Manager OnDemand for Multiplatforms.

Wasn't LDAP Sync made available in version  We are upgrading to v10.1 and intend to use this feature....  From the LDAP Sync redbook:

Prior to Version, Content Manager OnDemand only supported authentication to LDAP.

Content Manager OnDemand V10.1.0.2 introduces a new command (ARSLSYNC) which can be configured to run as either a Windows scheduled task, a Unix cron job, or manually from a properly configured Content Manager OnDemand command prompt.

It's the same as what came out in

This was mentioned prominentlly in the announcement because anyone at or before might not be aware of the function that came out via the service stream.



/usr/lpp/ars/bin/arsmaint –cdeimrs

You're asking arsmaint to do a lot in one invocation.

Have you tried breaking that up?

Especially the -r, and maybe the migrate (non-expire) parameters?


Is there is anything I am missing?

2. Do you have a debug or trace facility in your ARSUUPDT source that you can turn on?


Unfortunately, that's a rather ambiguous return code, can be from multiple places.

Here's my recommendation to start:

1. Ref:

double check APF attribute, using -E, XPLINK

2. Do you have a debug or trace facility in your ARSUUPDT source that you can turn on?


z/OS Server / Re: EoS for CMOD V9.5 on z/OS April 30, 2020
« on: February 25, 2020, 08:55:45 AM »
Bump --- getting down to the final two months.



* USERS AFFECTED:                                              *
*  OAM objects users utilizing the IBM TS7700                  *
*                 Virtualization Engine D/T3957 that see high  *
*                 SYSZTIOT contention. Though this references  *
*                 the TS7700, it may also help with other      *
*                 tape vendors where SYSZTIOT contention is    *
*                 observed.                                    *
* PROBLEM DESCRIPTION:                                         *
*  During heavy OAM workload processing                        *
*                      (tape retrieves), SYSZTIOT contention   *
*                      observed slowing down retrieval rate.   *
* RECOMMENDATION:                                              *

{Note: OAM was not intended to primarily store objects with
high expected retrieval rates (or in other words a "hot" object)
exclusively to tape without first going to DB2 DASD tier.

DB2 DASD should be used as the preferred resting place for a hot
object for x amount of days, where x is the number of days this
object is intended to be in a hot state.

This is recommended
since DASD will give substantially faster retrieval performance
for that object with a lot less overhead than tape library

Even if the tape library is backed by faster storage
(i.e. Flash), the tape library logic still has a lot of
overhead and is serialized by a SYSZTIOT resource whereas the
DB2 DASD tier has minimal logic overhead and allows for
multi-threaded processing enabling parallelism that
dramatically increases retrieval rates.

Once the object
retrieval rate for this object starts becoming more spread out
over a longer period of time (or in other words, the object
becomes "cold/colder") then it can be moved to a colder OAM
tier such as tape.


z/OS Server / Sample JCL to compile a 64-bit arsutbl C exit
« on: February 24, 2020, 02:10:06 PM »
Sample JCL to compile a 64-bit arsutbl C exit:


z/OS Server / Re: Recommended DB2 on z/OS Service, V12
« on: February 24, 2020, 11:38:50 AM »
Had a report during an upgrade to Db2 V12:

... in the ARSSOC startup : ARS0013E ARSSOCKD DB Error: Warning: Unexpected sql_rc -- SQLSTATE=   
Not Defined, SQLCODE=-805, File=arssys.c, Line=935                     

Note the -805, bind issue.

I t turns out there was a variation of DSNACLI that was put in by IBM CMOD Services team when they implemented.  It includes CMODPROD_MIGTOOLS and CMODPROD_USEREXIT, CMODTEST_MIGTOOLS and CMODTEST_USEREXIT in the package list.

Their DSNACLI variation was called ARSACLI.

Once that was rebound all was well.

Please note that this could also occur if you have an ODSCRT table in your system, which is also from the IBM CMOD Services team.


z/OS Server / Re: ARSUTBL exit no longer works right out of the can
« on: February 20, 2020, 07:56:56 AM »
If you try to compile and execute the COBOL ARSUTBL exit sample you'll get the following:

ARS0160E ODV733 Unable to load module >/usr/lpp/ars/V10R1M0/bin/exits/arsutbl<. The return code is 103587  Srvr->MVS222<-

This is a 31/64 compatibility mismatch.

What the arsutbl exit is probably used for has been supplanted by new function available in PH12893.


IBM Enterprise COBOL V6.3 is AMODE 64 capable.

Can I use that for my ARSUTBL exit?

Sadly, no.

Down in the fine print is, “No support for building AMODE 64 applications containing … or using the THREAD compiler option.”

THREAD is required.


z/OS Server / Re: Recommended DB2 on z/OS Service, V12
« on: February 19, 2020, 02:30:47 PM »
It's now 2020 and still no new Db2 defects have been exposed.


z/OS Server / Re: Upgrade and my 'personal' thoughts
« on: February 18, 2020, 02:41:49 PM »
I just re-read this topic.

Good news!

Backing out from 10.1 -> 9.5 is now supported.

Specifically Version 9.5 of CMOD can run with V10.1 table definitions.

So --- say you do the arsdb -vu upgrade step.

You bring up CMOD V10.1.

You run into a problem you can't immediately resolve.

Do not back out the table change.

Just switch back to V9.5 SARSLOAD and HFS.

Yes, the arsdb -vu is a one-way trip.

But now using the executables is not.

This is supported.

It has been tested and no issues have been reported.


z/OS Server / Re: Any Migration guides from R9.5 to 10.1
« on: February 13, 2020, 02:30:02 PM »
Good to hear it worked as advertised for you, Lizette.

Let me put in a shameless plug for the V10.1 Release Notes:

As the old Holiday Inn ads used to say, "The best surprise is no surprise."


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